Start Trading
You're ready to trade!
Last updated
You're ready to trade!
Last updated
Looking for info on how to trade on Telegram? Check our guide here.
Trading is currently available for all ETH Uniswap V2 and V3 tokens, as well as many other popular EVM networks. We also support trading on Solana, including newly launched tokens.
Select a token you want to buy (or sell).
Enter the amount of ETH/SOL to spend or select a preset value. For selling, you will select the % of tokens you'd like to sell, or manually input a token amount.
Choose which wallet to buy/sell with. You can only buy with one wallet at a time, but you can sell with multiple.
Confirm Gas/Priority fees and slippage (if applicable)
Click Buy/Sell and then confirm (if confirmations are enabled).
You're done! Select New Trade to create more orders.
To set a limit order to buy or sell a token at a specific price point, select "Limit Buy" instead of "Market Buy" and enter your preferred price point to initiate a transaction. Limit Buys will trigger when the token price is at or lower than your input value (a "Stop Buy" will trigger at or above your target). Limit Sells will trigger when the token price is at or greater than your input value (Stop Sell will trigger at or below your input value, commonly known as a stop-loss).
You can also choose the expiration time of your limit order.
Once a limit order is placed, it will be indicated on the chart with a green line for buy, or red line for sell. You can cancel the limit order by clicking the "x" on the line, or by clicking the red "x" under the "My Orders" tab
Check your limit orders regularly to ensure they are still valid and within your trading and risk tolerances.